Sunday, May 29, 2011

The old is now the new B - Hop Does it again.

Montreal, Canada- IT HAPPENPED! IT HAPPENED! Philadelphia born Bernard Hopkins made boxing history Saturday night beating Canada’s own Jean Pascal to become the undisputed light heavyweight champion once again becoming the oldest fighter ever to win a world title. It was major accomplishment in a career of major accomplishments. Ever since 1999 when Bernard Hopkins finally fought his way into big exposure after beating Antwun Echols he fought as if he knew that if he made one mistake on his way to the defining fights that the powers in boxing would never let him have another chance again.

It’s that kind of paranoia that has kept Bernard Hopkins at the top of his game. His strict discipline and attention to every detail has allowed him to beat younger stronger fighters.

It was no different Saturday night in Canada in their first match up Pascal came out strong knocking Hopkins down twice in the first three rounds but from round five to the end of the fight Hopkins seem to control the fight and take the decision but when the  scores were read the fight was declared a draw.

For Bernard Hopkins the first round Saturday night was round thirteen, Bernard came out and allowed Pascal to miss over the top with wide looping shots that a veteran like Bernard could see coming. Hopkins would counter with straight right hands but Pascal being such a gifted athlete was able to recover from throwing such shots and be back in position to exchange with Hopkins.

So the first four rounds were scratch and sniff affairs with very few punches landing. In round five Hopkins started picking up the pace on the younger fighter and started landing laser straight rights and short clubbing hooks on the side of the jean Pascal head buckling his knees. At the start of round, six sensing his younger might be tiring Bernard started to do push-ups in the center of the ring to the delight of the referee and the seventeen thousand in attendance.

That symbolized the beginning of the end for Pascal as he continued  to fade Bernard piled up the points and going into the final round Pascal’s only chance to win was with a knock out. In addition, with two minutes in the fight Pascal landed a huge right hand that hurt Hopkins and had him in serious trouble but being a veteran Hopkins acted as if he recovered from the shot and Pascal did not take advantage of an opportunity to knock b-hop out.

The bell rung and both fighters raised their hand in victory but this was b-hops night and to add insult to injury the crowd chanted b-hop as they waited for the verdict. In a unanimous decision Hopkins was once again champion.

This was a tremendous accomplishment for Hopkins and a tremendous blow to this generation of pugilist. Three of our top young fighters that Bernard has fought in the last eight years (Jermaine Taylor, Kevin Kelly, And Jean Pascal) have been exposed by Hopkins basic techniques that all fighters should have (fundamentals) and each of theses fighters have not been the same since fighting Hopkins (Pascal to be determined). However, what this generation has to go back to is the true art of boxing which is the jab, straight punches and defense. What we have now are great athletic specimens using their natural ability to box which makes the fighter look more stylish but lacking true substance, which will limit the longevity of the fighter and hurt the entire sport.

So to all future fighters coming up into the sport never forget the fundamentals’ for they will one day be your savior when you face that suppose ably great quick athlete.

- The Boxing King -  

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